Tuesday, September 3, 2013


by Davis Bunn
B&H Books

Simon Orwell is a scientific genius and mastermind. Brilliant in his own right, he has come a long way from his humble beginnings and made something of himself. He has risen above his circumstances and made something of him miserable life even when no one expected him to. And he has succeeded against all the odds. But then he makes a mistake. A really big one. It no longer is about him, but the professor that he has betrayed. And the device with unlimited power that could change the life of so many people.

But as soon as Simon crosses the Mexican border, things start to unravel. The professor is dead, and someone is after Simon's life as well. Hiding in a local orphanage that offers him asylum, Simon meets the director, Harold,who has sacrificed a lucrative career and given his life and resources for children who have no one left in the world. And Simon begins to wonder if his life is ruined forever by his choices. Will he be able to redeem himself and protect his new friends at the orphanage? Or is he doomed to a life haunted by the past that refuses to be forgiven?

This was a different sort of story for me. I've never read a book of this caliber, or this genre. But it was most certainly a pleasant change of pace. The characters were not as developed as I would have liked, but Bunn compensates with plenty of snippets of their pasts. The story was exciting, fast paced, and laced with just the right amount of danger. But there was also the undercurrents of faith and redemption that made me re-evaluate my own life and the possibility of second chances.

This book was provided by the publisher for free in exchange for an honest review.

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