Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Martyr's Fire

by Sigmund Brouwer
Waterbrook Press

Will this dangerous quest lead the outcast Orphan King toward an ancient secret—or to certain destruction?

Posing as a beggar, Thomas escapes Magnus after fifteen men, who are calling themselves the Priests of the Holy Grail, arrive and take control of the castle through wondrous acts and apparent miracles. With the help of his longtime friend Gervaise, Thomas sets out on a journey that leads him to the ancient Holy Land. Unaware that Katherine and Hawkwood are watching over him, Thomas is tested in his beliefs and comes face to face with the ancient power that the Merlins and Druids have long been searching for.

Enter the world of Merlin’s Immortals, where ancient secrets and evil conspiracies take you on a breathless adventure of discovery, intrigue, and hidden knowledge. 

My Review:

The adventure begins with Thomas posing as a beggar, as he tries to escape the castle. Men have arrived in the castle claiming to do great wonders and miracles. While the town is enamored by the priests of the Holy Grail, Thomas is seeking to save his people from the evil that seeks to destroy them all. Thomas is unknowingly being followed, and though his intentions are honorable, they all live in times that are uncertain and unpredictable; everyone must be careful and trust no one but themselves. 

Brouwer definitely left us hanging with his previous two novels. I know that doesn't seem like a favorable thing to say, but I really looked forward to how the story was going to end. The cast of characters is certainly one of my favorites in a very long time; Thomas, with a destiny that is forever spinning out of control; Katherine, who watches over him yet never reveals much about herself; and Hawkwood, a keeper of secrets, stealthy of foot and one who possesses the ability to become someone else. 

With great secondary characters, what could have been misinterpreted as a weak filler novel actually turned out to be one of my favorites in this series. Because I already knew some of the background story, all that awaited was the remainder of the other puzzle pieces. And simply because of that, I highly anticipated this novel, and was not disappointed. Brouwer's writing style is unique; he draws you in and makes you a fan for life.  

This book was provided by the publisher through CSFF for free in exchange for an honest review. 

Check out some other blogs that reviewed Martyr's Fire as well:

http://tessbissell.wordpress.com Red Bissell
http://rbclibrary.wordpress.com Beckie Burnham
http://tweezlereads.blogspot.com Theresa Dunlap
http://myrdan.com Emma or Audrey Engel
http://projectinga.blogspot.com April Erwin
http://vicsmediaroom.wordpress.com Victor Gentile
http://www.thehahnhuntinglodge.com Nikole Hahn
http://jessebecky.wordpress.com Becky Jesse
http://www.spoiledfortheordinary.blogspot.com Jason Joyner
http://carolkeen.blogspot.com Carol Keen
http://krystinekercher.com Krystine Kercher
http://rebekahloper.wordpress.com Rebekah Loper
http://www.jlmbewe.com/index.php/blog Jennette Mbewe
http://thewonderingsofoneperson.wordpress.com Amber McCallister
http://www.shannonmcdermott.com Shannon McDermott
http://www.bloomingwithbooks.blogspot.com Meagan @ Blooming with Books
http://rebeccaluellamiller.wordpress.com Rebecca LuElla Miller
http://www.christsbridge.blogspot.com Writer Rani
http://dadscancooktoo.com Nathan Reimer
http://www.jojosutiscorner.wordpress.com Jojo Sutis
http://stevetrower.com/blog Steve Trower
http://christian-fantasy-book-reviews.com/blog Phyllis Wheeler
http://finishedthebook.blogspot.com Rachel Wyant

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