Saturday, September 21, 2013

Red Like Blood

by Joe Coffey & Bob Bevington
Shepherd Press

At its heart, Red Like Blood is the over-arching story of the Bible, the story of salvation: the amazing grace of God in Jesus Christ impacting our brokenness, drenching us in forgiveness and mercy. It is told through the lives of two men a prodigal and a pastor s kid whose broken lives are forever stained the color of grace as they are confronted by the One who meets them in their hopelessness and despair, bringing redemption and healing. Red Like Blood chronicles the power of the gospel in all of its life-changing fullness. It is a story that should challenge, encourage and empower us all.

Let me start by saying that I never, absolutely never begin a review with the description of the book found on a retail website . I do not copy and paste, and I always write my own version of what the book is about. But I am breaking that rule today, quite sadly, because this is not a five star review.

While I completely understand that the sinful state of humankind cannot be sugarcoated, glossed over, or prettied up for the nicest message possible, I also understand that bad language has no place in a Christian's life. All the stories from these two men's lives could have been told without the vulgarities contained within. The concept for this book is wonderful. But the execution was absolutely terrible. Grace is not to be taken advantage of. "For there are certain men crept in unawares, who were before of old ordained to this condemnation, ungodly men, turning the grace of a God into lasciviousness, and denying the only Lord God, and our Lord Jesus Christ." Jude 1:4. I know that the authors were trying to show who they were, and how by the grace of God they were turned into different men, but I believe they could have done a much better job of conveying that message. 

This book was provided by the publisher through Cross Focused Reviews for free in exchange for an honest review. 

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