Tyndale Publishers
Penny is a woman who is used to being poor. Growing up, her parents never had much to offer her. But then she meets Trent, and he is more than a chance to get away from the poverty and abuse of her childhood. Feeling as worthless as her name con-notates, she sees him as an opportunity for love and true happiness. But something she never expected was the beatings of an angry husband who drunk away what little money they did manage to bring in.
When Trent has an accident at work that puts him out of commission, Penny meets some gals at the local food bank that offer her a job cleaning houses. Thrilled at the opportunity to prove her own merit and worth as a person, she is crushed when something comes up that will keep her from permanently enjoying her new freedom. Suddenly, everything changes. She's not just watching out for herself anymore, and Trent's abuse becomes dangerous not only to herself, but others as well. When will it become too much? Will she ever truly be brave enough to stand on her own two feet?
Holmes takes a very sensitive subject, and portrays both sides of the abuse with grace and fairness. She realistically weaves a spell that is grounded in truth, and gives us a peek of what might go on in a marriage littered with abuse of many kinds. I loved the way the author was very frank, honest, and gracious in the way she portrayed Trent; while not making Penny to be a martyr, but a victim of circumstances. Recommended to anyone that either needs the courage to grow wings and fly, or for those who are already free.
This book was provided for free from the publisher in exchange for an honest review.
Thanks so much for the review!