by Cindy Woodsmall
Water Brook Press
Rhoda Byler and her business partners, Samuel and Jacob King, have finally come to an agreement on what to do after the devastating tornado that destroys King's Orchard. With no way to restore the orchard to it's productive state, Rhoda's friend Landon, offers them a solution and new start in Unity, Maine where his grandmother lives. Finding an apple orchard to restore is no easy task however; and with plans to leave young Eli King in charge of the dying orchard in Pennsylvania, they are ready to start a new life in Maine.
Their intentions to start a new Amish community where there are none is daunting, but they are determined to succeed as they have no other choice except to turn back. Steven Byler, his wife Phoebe, and their two children are the only complete family coming along. Leah King is tagging along to help with as much as she possibly can. Landon is there as their English liaison and guide. But the evening before their scheduled departure finds Rhoda and Samuel under the inquisition of her church leaders. Will her uncanny ability to perceive things before they happen cause the church to not allow her to leave for Maine as planned? And what secrets do the King brothers have to hide?
This was a long-anticipated sequel to Woodsmall's first book in the Amish Vines and Orchard Series. Amish novel are a dime a dozen, but I couldn't help but get sucked into this series. While I think Rhoda tends to get upset very easily towards the King brothers - to the point of unnecessary drama; her character has been second guessed all her life, feared, and disrespected at every turn, so I can understand why she reacts to authority the way she does. All in all a wonderful novel, and I can't wait to find out how everything turns out!
This book was provided for free by the publisher in exchange for an honest review.